About Mike & Katy

Mike Tan

Mike is a biomedical researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is very much not a nerd. He enjoys sports and computers as hobbies. He enjoys world adventures and experiencing different cultures. In his free time, he annoys their dog and drives his fianceé nuts in the process. He also enjoys jogging and playing with their dog.

Katy Bush

Katy works as a data analyst in an industry consulting company. She likes fine French wine and is a foodie. She loves all kinds of travel having traveled throughout the US and Europe. Her hobbies include country line dancing and watching television shows and movies while snuggling on the couch. She is gonna love her fiancé forever and ever, Amen.


Katy and Mike had their first date at a comedy club in Schaumburg, IL, and a few short weeks later made family introductions. They have been drawn together through their love of travel, fine wine, and pets among a number of other common interests.


Mushu, excitedly joined the family in December 2015. Katy and Mike adopted the half chihuahua, half jack russell terrier from a shelter in Huntley, IL. Mushu has brought love and induced the learning of patience. He loves chasing rabbits and squirrels around the neighborhood. He loves destroying his toys, giving kisses, and taking long jogs.



On the second anniversary of their first date, they returned to the same comedy club where they had their first date.  There they had dinner and saw Louis Anderson perform.  During that time, Mike had coordinated with Katy’s future matron of honor to decorate her apartment.  Following the show, they returned to Katy’s apartment to find it filled with candles and rose petals.  Katy was stunned by the sight; Mike helped push her into the apartment before getting on one knee and taking out the engagement ring.  And the rest is history.